Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Due March 18th

Students:………………………………………………………………………….. This is due after spring break…Please click on the pictures below to enlarge them…and copy and paste them into a microsoft word document and print them out, answer and label them (handwritten)…There are 15 of them total. We will grade these in class together on March 18th.............................................................

Monday, February 25, 2013

Next Weeks Quiz Study the Scromere for class Date 3-4-13

You will need to be able to write a paragraph on how the scromere works...No homework will be due next week...

Monday, February 18, 2013

Homework 4 due Feb 25th

Update....Homework 4 on muscle tissue: Print these heart pictures off and label them using the post below....Study it for your next week quiz too....Have a great week....Study Ch 9 on Muscle Tissues for the quiz on Monday....You don't have to turn in the homework for Ch 9 if you have already done it in homework 2...We will be dissecting hearts on Monday so please bring your dissection kits.... .............................................. .............................

Study guide for quiz on Feb.25th

These are pictures and notes you must study and know for next week's quiz on Feb 25: You will also need to write a paragraph on how blood flows though the heart. Cardiac Muscle Cardiac muscle is so named because it is found in the heart. Cells are joined to one another by intercalated discs which allow the synchronization of the heart beat. Cardiac muscle is branched, striated muscle. Skeletal Muscle Skeletal muscle, which is attached to bones by tendons, is associated with the body's voluntary movements. Skeletal muscle is striated muscle. Unlike cardiac muscle, the cells are not branched. Visceral (Smooth) Muscle Visceral muscle, is found in various parts of the body such as the arteries, the bladder, the digestive tract, as well as in many other organs. Visceral muscle is also called smooth muscle because it doesn't have cross striations. Visceral muscle contracts slower than skeletal muscle, but the contraction can be sustained over a longer period of time.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Feb 18th class

For next week’s class we will have a quiz on the neuron and action potential…Please know how to draw a neuron like the one below and label, axon, dendrite, nodes of Ranvier, synaptic terminal, myelin sheath and be able to write a short summary of how an action potential works…see videos for info on action potential…remember that homework 3 is due…and we may not have time to dissect hearts, we have a lot of chapters to cover…but if we do have time we will…so keep your dissection kits handy…

Action Potential films

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Homework 3 due Feb 18th

(Purple Book: pg132 part C only, pg154 part B only, pg155 part D only, pg188-189 part C only, pg209-210 part c only, pg228 part C only) (White Book: pg126 part C only, pg part144 D only, pg174-175 part C only,pg193-194, pg210-211 fig 16.9-16.10)

Monday, February 4, 2013

Feb 11 class

What you will need for class on Feb 11.....Homework 1 and 2 are due....We are taking a quiz on will need to know how to draw the stages just like your homework from pg 58 in the purple book and page 52 of the white book....We will also be dissecting will need straight pins or tooth picks and a dissection kit or a scalpel or a one sided razor blade will work...The brain labels will be taken from page 385 of the purple book...Hope to see you all Monday...have a great week...

Friday, February 1, 2013

Homework 2 due Feb 11th

Purple book 4th addition pages: Chapter 2 Homework page 23, 24 and 25 4th addition purple book…. 58, 60, 90 & 91 b,c, only, 107, 115, 116, 122.................... White 5th addition book pages: ….page 19, 20, 21 … 52,54, 83&84 b,c,only, 101, 109, 110, 116 …. .....On Feb 4th we will be doing a lab on the Microscope....We will learn how to focus the microscope in class and in the Purple book on pg 47 part A and pg. 48 part C needs to be turned in during class....